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"Tommy" Part 24

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"Tommy" Part 24"Tommy"By GentilePart 24---------I watched Tommy exit the cruiser, stand and unbuckle his gun belt. "Boy." A soft whisper thru the holes."What do you want me to do to him?"What I'd wanted her to do as soon as she'd confessed to what she'd done in his apartment all night---that second night.I heard Tommy close his car door ever so softly, the latch catching just enough."I want you to suck him.""Yes."I had to go at once for Tommy had crossed the front of his cruiser."I want you to swallow it.""Yes."He'd left his .38 right on the seat."Cully."I went to speak again, but, she stopped me by removing her hand from the Plexiglas and holding her finger to her lips. "Ssshhh. He's us."She got out and met him as he arrived. She'd set the car door just enough so that I couldn't make out what was being said. It would be this exact sequence and the one after that I would find absolutely riveting ever more. For two minutes, maybe three, perhaps longer, it seemed like forever they embraced and kissed and whispered and talked. I imagined gentle laughter, but, I would not bet on that being a truth. He picked her up, separating her from the earth, then set her once more upon it. Her squeal was not imaginary.She turned from him, nudged the car door then pushed it open all-the-way."Here, darling, stand here." The clarity was exquisite.She slipped in front of him blocking the view. Quietly I tried to ease the car door open. "Oh, no. Oh-my-God." Just a whisper.I was locked in."Tell them!" A softer whisper.I didn't have the nerve. Not even close.I slid left to get an angle. I heard his belt buckle collapse. "I've wanted to do this all-day-long." She pulled his zipper."Girl, please.""It's okay, Cully wants me to. He's watching us.""Just to yours knees, Tommy." She tugged and his trousers dropped. She caught them. "Yes, there.""Please, Girl, please, be gentle, Girl. Please?""I want to play with them. I won't hurt you, I promise. They're so big. I want to see them.""Okay, but,,,""Just to your knees, Tommy."Girl tugged his briefs, bent forward and left them at his knees, clearing the shot."Good grief." Tommy was hung. It wasn't a monstrous size, no, but, he had me beat of that there was no doubt. His bag was distended and very large. Had me beat there as well, by a lot.Then Girl shifted, hopped up and went into a deep knee bend and I lost most of my view.It was much too late to request I be released from custody. Even if I got the nerve."Girl." She'd done something."No, no Girl, no. Not so hard. Please, Girl, don'tttttttt.""Oh, stop being such a baby, Tommy. I read in my "Cosmopolitan" that a man's balls need to be handled in a firm manner. It's healthy.""What?" Me"Okay, okay, that's better.""Are you ready, baby?""Oh, yes. Thank you, Girl.""I don't want you to hurry, Tommy. This is for you and for Cully. Just you two, nobody else.""Cully, darling?""She's talking to you." It was like a nightmare---a good one."Yes?""I'm going to finish this. I want to. He's a good boy, a better man. And he deserves this. I like to suck. I do not like to swallow. But, I will tonight because that is my tribute to him. It's for him and for you, Cully. I want you to see, to watch. Cully, do you understand me?""Not really, it's inexplicable." To-my-self. "Yes, I do, Girl. I want to watch. I swear it." With a clarity that I did not want mistaken.She freshened her crouch. Girl could do a crouch. Sometimes she'd crouch over me and actually suck the stew out of my scrotum by going up and down on it. "Lay still, boy. Let me try this." She'd exercise her core and trained her snatch to clutch my pole and would just independently work it till it suctioned off. And sometimes she'd twist about and show me her bottom and work it that way. "You like my butt, don't you, Dale?" As I'd savagely spend seconds later. Though it was rare when she'd pull that crouch trick.Now: All I could see was the slow movement of her noggin.Tommy didn't have to hurry, but, he didn't last long. A couple minutes of Girl sucking and Girl tending his balls did the deed. Later: "I grabbed his balls and squeezed them together, not too hard though so that when he came it would feel real good, Cully. That's what I'm going to do to you now, angel. But, you have to hurry. He's waiting for me, Cully. Tommy is waiting for me."When Tommy released and bellowed forth there in the dark of our hidden cove it was a mirror image of his bellow at what seemed like days ago, but, had been that same day. The difference between sheer terror and unbridled ecstasy was contrasted that day turned night. Time had slowed, almost to a crawl and would remain at that slow speed for a while, months in fact, before it would regain it's inexorable speed.Girl swallowed it. Later: "Yes, it's awful, but, that's what I do for my two boys, what I'm going to do for you now, Cul. Because you two are of such worth that I must make that sacrifice. I'm not going to lie and say it's sweet and nectar of the God's. No. That's nonsense. I do this out of love and duty for you both. My tribute to him." She nodded her little noggin toward their bedroom where he was waiting. "My tribute to you now. Does that make sense, Cully?" When she asked that question she was gently delving thru my bag, searching out my nuts, separating them and then squeezing them softly together as she'd done Tommy. "Yes, it does, Girl." And it did. I wasn't bullshitting her while I was on the verge of orgiastic delight. A scant few minutes later after I'd released in that delight and we'd professed our love for one another, she slipped that pure white cotton jumper back over her nudity and scampered away---back to him---in what would turn out (primarily for them) to be a two day wedding-night/honeymoon set.But, I thought of her citation about fellatio and swallowing it and how it was tribute to Tommy and I. She was calling our names, both our names.She'd said: "I want that to be acknowledged tonight here, or there in our home."We'd have to do better. I would have to do better. Girl was right, it could not just be about us.(to be continued)
04-30-2021, at 02:32 PM

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