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Horny Librarian
Post #1
Horny LibrarianHorny Librarian by Anonymous (c) 1995Part 1 of 11 Laura Weber cast a sidelong glance in the direction of thenineteenth century romance novels and saw that there was troublebrewing. From her position behind her desk in the center of thelibrary, she could see everything, even Kenneth Wilcox's handinching its way under the reading table toward Mary Kepler'sknee.Laura knew that the youngsters who frequented the Maple GrovePublic Library were only there because they were forced by theirteachers' reading assignments. She knew perfectly well that,given half a chance, they would turn her library into justanother place for hot fucking and sucking. She knew that was allthese teenagers cared about. But she wasn't about to let suchthings happen in her library.Laura stood up briskly, adjusted her glasses and walked over towhere the troublemakers were sitting. She gave them a stern look.If there was any doubt in Kenneth's mind that his hand shouldstop prowling, she banished that doubt by slamming a dictionaryonto the table in front of him. When she opened the book andpointed to the word chastity, both Kenneth and his intendedobject of affection blushed. Laura walked back to her desk witha feeling of accomplishment.It wasn't that Laura Weber was cold and unfeeling, although thatwas the way she seemed to her long-suffering charges at thelibrary. Under her prim exterior, she was a sensitive woman withthe same needs and desires as other mature women. But in MapleGrove, a librarian was expected to behave like a librarian. Laurahad lost her husband in an auto accident several years earlierand supported herself and four sons on her librarian's salary. Jobs weren't all that easy to find in the sleepy village of MapleGrove, and Laura had to keep up appearances. Laura had beenwondering lately if maybe the image she had been forced byconvention to project for the past few years was becoming her ownself-image. She wasn't really as prim and proper as she let on. She loved a good fuck as much as, in fact more than, the averagewoman. She often found herself looking back at the wonderfulhours she and her husband Tom had spent in the sack, fucking andsucking all night and half the morning. She definitely missedhaving a hot stud like Tom to stick his big thick prick in hercunt at the mere drop of a pair of panties. Of course, Laura hadthe looks for it too, with long honey blond hair and rathernicely shaped breast. They were still firm for her age of 37,despite the fact that she had four c***dren. Her ass was stillfirm too. Too bad she was as old as she was, because if she wasstill in her twenties, she easily could have been a successfulexotic dancer or magazine model.Laura had stayed away from men for a long time. It was as if shehad gotten locked into the image she had been projecting for thebenefit of the people of Maple Grove. She had to shake herself attimes and remind herself that she was really not the prim andproper Mrs. Weber, the widow lady who ran the local library.She was afraid that people would talk if she started dating.Laura was a woman of strong sexual urges. She knew perfectly wellthat once she got into a sexual situation with a man, she wouldlet it all out and become a wanton slut in heat. If it ever gotaround that she was an easy fuck, she would be run out of town ona rail.Sometimes Laura wished that her life was more like her sisterArlene's. Arlene had lost her husband too, only in divorce. Unlike Laura, she had managed to stay relatively free of theconstrictions of smalltown life. She had her own business andwas out of town quite frequently on business trips. She hadconfided to Laura that she used those trips as an opportunity tolet her hair down and fuck like the little vixen she was.Just the thought of all the mischief she could get into in hersister's situation made Laura's tight little pussy quiver withexcitement."Mrs. Weber? Mrs. Weber? I... I have this book to bring back.Mrs. Weber?""Oh, my! Joyce, I must have been thinking about something else.I'm terribly sorry. Let's see. You have brought back the Dickens.Let me stamp it. There!""I almost didn't make it by closing time, Mrs. Weber," JoyceWilson said, breathing heavily, as if she had run a block or two."Closing time? Oh, yes . . . closing time. It is closing time,isn't it? I just don't know where I am today!" Laura said,shaking her head.part 2 of 11 THE HORNY LIBRARIANLater, when everyone was out of the library, Laura sat on theedge of her desk and thought about leaving town for a few days.She could go to the city and meet a nice man in a bar. No onewould know. She could let all her inhibitions fly out the windowand have a good hot fucking time. She had such an itch betweenher legs, an itch that had been growing more and more all thetime. She knew that only a big hard tireless prick could scratchthat itch.She could take her vacation early. She could probably leave in afew days. But no. She knew perfectly well that by the time shegot the courage, she would be an old maid. She knew that shewould eventually resort to her trusty electric vibrator, stuffingit way up her hot cunt and letting her imagination bring her off.She was so hot that she wished she had her dildo in her briefcaseright now."Enough of this! " she said to herself, grabbing her briefcaseand heading for the door.She was about to flick off the lights when she stopped andlistened. She thought she heard something odd. It sounded likepages being turned. And there was another sound too, a soundrather like slurping, a sound that she couldn't quite identify. Quietly, Laura made her way to the source of the sound. Itsounded like paper shuffling. Something made her shiver a bitwith excitement. When she peeked through one of the shelves wherea volume was missing and saw what was making the sound, she didmore than just shiver. Her cunt suddenly tingled and twitchedwith excitement.Sitting on one of her step stools on the opposite side if thestack was David Slater. It wasn't particularly unusual orexciting to see young David hiding in the stacks, reading. Theyoung boy read a lot. What was unusual and very stimulating toLaura was the fact that his jeans were open and his stiff youngprick was sticking up as straight as could be. The boy had hisfingers wrapped around his stiff prick and was jacking off.Laura didn't know what to do. He reminded her so much of her ownson, Michael, who was 16 years old. The boy had obviously gottenso caught up in his masturbating that he had lost track of time.What was she to do? She couldn't just let the k** stay there allnight playing with himself. On the other hand, she couldn't justbreak in on him and stop him in the middle of his jerk-offsession. The boy would be so embarrassed that he would never setfoot in a library again.She could make out what the boy was frantically leafing through,a book of old etchings. She couldn't quite make out what thesubject matter was, but she could imagine. How such a volume everescaped her eyes was beyond her. Perhaps it was part of thecollection old man Winters left the library when he diedrecently. She had always wondered about that man. Holding thebook in one hand and his prick in the other, David stroked it upand down until the oozing pre-cum that dripped from his piss-slitcovered his hand and made the slurping sounds she had heard.Laura noticed that the boy had an incredibly stiff cock, and anice big one, too. She couldn't help staring at the k**'s swollenprick. His prick head stuck way out of his fist when he squeezedthe shaft. She couldn't help wondering how such a nice hard cockwould feel in her own hand.It had been so long since she had touched, or even seen a hardcock. Of course, David was only a youngster, and she knew thatshe had no business having lusty designs on him. But a hard cockwas a hard cock, and in Laura's frustrated condition, she reallyneeded a stiff cock. Laura's cunt was beginning to moisten. Theitching and tingling she had felt earlier was getting more andmore intense. She couldn't help reaching up under her dress andrubbing the crotch of her moistening panties.The hot-assed librarian felt wicked beyond belief, leaning upagainst a bookshelf and rubbing her hot pussy through herpanties. She would never have thought in her wildest imaginationthat she would be doing such a nasty thing in her library. Butthen, who ever would have guessed that young David would beexposing himself and jacking off in the shadows of the stacks?part 3 of 11 THE HORNY LIBRARIANLaura pressed her fingers against the material of her panties,making the lacy crotch go up inside her seething cunt-gash. Shetwisted her finger just a bit, making her cunt blaze with everymovement against her tingling clit. Her legs began to tremble abit as she fingered and stroked her cunt. She stared through theopen space on the shelf, watching the boy's hand flying up anddown on his rigid fucker. His underpants were hiding a part ofthe base of his cock, so she really couldn't tell exactly howlong the thing was. His prick was sticking through the fly ofhis briefs. She wished the boy would push his underpants down sothat she could see more of his cock.Laura couldn't stand another minute. She had to decide nowwhether to sneak away and try to forget the scene and the burningbetween her legs, or to approach the boy and confront him and thehot desires that were seething inside her.For once, she decided to plunge headlong into the whirlpool ofdesire that was starting to swirl about her. She knew that onceshe approached the boy, there would be no turning back. She knewthat what she was about to do was taboo, but she had to do it.She had to satisfy the craving for stiff cock that burned withinher.She summoned up all her courage and took a deep breath. Sherealized that she would have to be in complete control of thesituation at all times. She didn't dare let her courage fail herfor a moment."Well, David Slater, what have we here?" she asked in her mostauthoritative voice.She had slipped silently around the shelf to the boy's hidingplace and was standing directly in front of him, staring him inthe eye."Oh shit! Jesus! I . . . I was just reading," pendik escort the youngsterchoked, trying desperately to get his hard-on back into hisunderwear."Oh, really? Just reading, David? You have an interesting way ofjust reading, David." She smiled, enjoying the way the boy wasstruggling to cover himself."I . . . I gotta go, Mrs. Weber!" David rasped, jumping up offthe step stool and trying to get by Laura, who was blocking thenarrow passage between the stacks."Not so fast, David. I don't think you're going anywhere quiteyet," she said firmly, putting her hand on the boy's shoulder andpushing back gently but firmly."But . . . I . . . I gotta go . . . honest . . . I gotta!" theboy protested, sitting back on the stool and putting the bookover his lap.Laura noticed that the open book was moving in his lap, jumpingup and down a bit with each jerking movement of his still swollenprick. She watched the boy try to hide the long hard-on thatjutted up between his legs, but to no avail. The book wasn't aslong as his cock, and the swollen purplish cock-head showed.David tried to pull up his jeans, which had been pushed down tohis knees. In the process of pulling up his pants, he knockedthe book out of his lap, once again exposing the hard prick thathe had been playing with only moments before. Laura sucked inher breath when she saw the k**'s big stiff fucker. The hardcockshaft was covered with clear pre-cum that ran in littlerivulets from his piss-slit. The head of his cock was muchlarger in proportion to his prickshaft than any cockhead she hadseen. She could just imagine how nice such a big cockhead wouldfeel fucking in and out of her cunt.The boy managed to get his pants up and fastened, but hecouldn't get his stiff prick back into his underpants. He shovedhis unyielding cock down into his pants leg and zipped up withgreat difficulty. He knew that Mrs. Weber had seen every bit ofhis exposed cock. He flushed as red as a beet. Laura knew how theboy was suffering, not only from embarrassment, but also from theagony of not being able to shoot his cum-load when he had beenready to pop off. She had to ease his suffering in somepleasurable way. But first she was going to have some funteasing the boy. She was feeling terribly horny at the moment andquite capable of doing almost anything to have some nasty fun.Watching David squirm made her even hornier. At the same time,she wondered how she could have these horny feeling about ateenager. After all, she had four teenage sons at home herself.But, he was sixteen, nearing s*******n, a time when young menbegin their sexual lives. This boy was no boy, but a young man. Ayoung man who was ready to fuck.part 4 of 11 THE HORNY LIBRARIAN"You seem to be very caught up in your reading, David. It mustbe something very . . . very stimulating. Why don't I just have alook?" she asked, bending over and picking up the book that hadfallen off his lap."Please don't look at it, Mrs. Weber. Please let me go. I . . .I promise I won't come back . . . honest.""But I don't want you to stay away from the library, David.Don't be silly. I want you to enjoy what you read, and youcertainly seemed to be enjoying this book. Oh my! My, my, my!Just look at these engravings! This must have slipped by me,David.""I . . . I just found it by accident, Mrs. Weber.""If I had found it, I would have taken it home and looked at itmyself, David. These pictures are very interesting. These peopleare all naked. Just imagine, David. All these men and women arenaked out in the woods. And just look at this, David!" she said,turning the page."They're doing things together, wonderful things. This man hassomething long and hard sticking up in front of his naked body,David. It looks very much like what I saw sticking up in frontof you a moment ago. Why, I believe that's his cock! Yes, David,it is. And now he's putting it in this woman's mouth!""Mrs. Weber, please don't talk like that. You . . . you'remaking me feel funny . . . you're making me . . . ""Horny, David? Am I making you horny?""Uh... yeah, Mrs. Weber. You're making me... horny," the k**said, his prick jerking wildly in his tight pants."You seem to have made yourself horny without any help from me,David. Why just look at that hard cock sticking out in your pantsleg. You should be ashamed of yourself. And here in my library,of all places""I'm sorry, Mrs. Weber. Honest, Mrs. Weber. I didn't mean anyharm... I just couldn't help it."It seemed for a moment that poor little David was about to burstinto tears. Laura decided that it was time for a little tenderloving care."I've been too hard on you, David darling. It's really not thatserious an infraction. I think I can forgive you. You're youngand horny, David. I know that your cock has a tendency to stiffenup at the slightest provocation, darling, " she said softly,sitting down on the stool next to him.She was so close to the boy that her leg was touching his. Itfelt good to David to hear her soothing voice, but the words sheused and the way she was sitting close to him didn't help him getrid of the hard-on that was embarrassing him half to death. Infact, she seemed to be trying to keep him hard. She even laid herwarm hand on his leg and squeezed gently."Look at me now, David. That's right, darling boy. Thee's noneed to be ashamed of what you have in your pants. All boys yourage get big stiff hard-ons when they see things like what you sawin that book. Those pictures are really quite stimulating,aren't they, David?""They sure are, Mrs. Weber."The boy felt her hand moving slowly up his leg, getting closerand closer to his crotch. His cock was aching unbearably. Hehadn't been able to get his stiff prick back into his underpants,so it was rubbing against the rough material of his brand newjeans. His cock was jerking in his pants so hard that he knew shecould see it move if she looked in that direction. Inch by inch,her warm hand moved closer to where his balls were bulging in hispants. He sighed when she took her hand away and started turningthe pages of the book.Part 5 of 11 THE HORNY LIBRARIAN"You know, David, I too am getting quite stimulated looking atthese engravings. They were made a long time ago, darling, butpeople still do the same exciting things together in real life. Ifind this one particularly interesting." She smiled, pointing outa page to the wide-eyed boy.David swallowed hard when he saw the picture she was pointingout to him. It showed a woman with her hand wrapped around ayoung man's naked prick. The woman in the engraving wasn'tnearly as pretty as Mrs. Weber. The young man has such asatisfied look on his face."Wouldn't you like to feel a woman's hand on your cock?""Gosh, Mrs. Weber . . . ""Well, honey, wouldn't you?""Uh... I guess, Mrs. Weber.""Has anyone ever touched your cock before, darling?" she asked,laying the book aside.The boy shook his head. Laura heard him gasp when she put herhand right on the long hard bulge of his prick. She let her handslowly move down the hard cockshaft, all the way to the head ofit. She could see the overly large bulge the k**'s cockhead madein his tight jeans. She pinched the head of his cock through hispants. She could feel the slippery moisture of the pre-cum thathad oozed from his prick in his excitement."My, but you are excited, David. Your stiff cock is justdripping with excitement, isn't it?. Have you ever tasted yourown jizz, darling? I how you have, David. You don't need toanswer. I'd like very much to taste the juice that drips fromyour cock, David. Do you mind?"Before the boy could anything, the pretty librarian was bendingover his lap. She moved her face so close to the hard prick thatstuck down his pants leg that he could feel her warm moistbreath. Then the k**'s body stiffened and his cock leaped in hispants. She actually pressed her warm hips right against the headof his dripping prick and began sucking at it through his tightjeans."Delicious, David! It's so hot and salty-sweet, darling. Ireally must have a closer look at that big stiff cock. You don'tmind, do you, son?" She smiled, licking her lips."Do you really want to see it, Mrs. Weber? Honest? " the boyasked in total disbelief. The last time his mother had seen himwith a hard-on, she had yelled at him."I really would like to see it, David. Why don't you let me helpyou get it out?" she said, attacking the boy's jeans and tuggingthem down around his knees.She gasped when his surprisingly large prick leaped up from thetight confines of his pants and slapped against his stomach."It's huge! It's just lovely, David. It's much prettier than theones in that engraving. You're a real man, David. ""You... you mean it, Mrs. Weber?" the boy asked, his eyeslighting up with pride and excitement. "Do you really like it?""I love your cock, David. I must touch it. It's so hard and hot!No wonder you were playing with it. Your cock feels so nice in myhand, so heavy and so thick. Do you mind if I rub it up and downa bit, David?"' she asked, moving her silky fingers ever soslowly up and down his dripping cock."Does it make your cock feel good when I do that to you?""Oh, Gosh yeah! It sure feels good, Mrs. Weber... but... I don'tunderstand why you're doin' this. I... I don't get it." the boyrasped, sitting bolt upright as she stroked his prick. Part 6 of 11 THE HORNY LIBRARIAN"I'm doing it because I know you love it, David, and because I'mvery hot. I just love cocks like yours, darling. And I know justwhat to do with them. Shall I move my hand a little faster, Daviddarling?""Jeez, Mrs. Weber! If... if you keep doing that, I'm gonna shootthe stuff!" the k** said in a shaky voice."You're going to come, darling? You're going to shoot hot whitecum all over the ceiling? Is that what you mean, David? Will ithappen if I move my hand faster?" she teased, her hand flying upand down his slippery prick."Yeah, Mrs. Weber, yeah! You're gonna make me come!""Then I'd better stop," she said, taking her hand away andwatching his prick jerk wildly. The head of the k**'s excitedcock was swollen so that she thought it would explode any minute."Oh, shit! Jeez, Mrs. Weber... I... I never kağıthane escort meant you shouldstop. I just didn't think you wanted to get it all over you ! "David said in a pleading voice, staring at his throbbing cock."There's plenty of time to let your cum shoot out of your cock,darling. Why don't we have another look at that book and see ifwe can find some more interesting activities? Oh, look David!Doesn't this look like fun? This lady is sucking on this man'scock! Judging from the look on his face, he seems to be enjoyingit. I wonder if your face would have that look on it if I put mylips on your nice hard prick and started sucking on it."She smiled, pursing her lovely lips and unfastening her longgolden hair. The boy hardly recognized Laura when she let herhair down and took off her glasses. She was the most beautifulwoman he had ever seen in his young life. And she was about tosuck his cock! He couldn't believe it was happening to him. Hehalf expected to wake up and find that he had been in the middleof a wild wet dream. But the hand on his prick had felt realenough, and the hair that was now brushing against his nakedprick felt real enough, too."It looks so tasty, David," she said as she lowered her lipscloser and closer to his jutting, hard-on. "I simply must have aquick suck!"Laura heard her willing captive gasp when her lips touched thedripping head of his cock. She trembled slightly when she feltthe incredibly exciting heat from his swollen prickhead againsther lips. She flicked out her tongue and licked a drop of hispre-cum as it oozed from the piss-slit of his cock. The taste ofhis youthful cock lube made her ravenously hungry for hot cockmeat. She opened her mouth as widely as she could and plungeddown on the boy's hard prick."Oh, shit! Shit, yeah!! Oh, Mrs. Weber! That feels so good! Wow!Please keep doing it, Mrs. Weber. You won't stop, will you?"Laura had no intention of stopping her cock-sucking just yet. Infact, she liked the feel and taste of the young man's prick inher mouth so much that she wanted to suck his cock all the way tohis balls. She took more and more of the boy's prick down herthroat, choking briefly on the big knob at the end of it. Sheloved the feel of his hard prick-head stretching her throat asshe swallowed it. She could feel his hard cock pounding withevery beat of his wildly racing heart.Laura took his cock into her mouth all the way to where itdisappeared through the fly of his white cotton briefs. Shereached down and cupped his large balls in her hand, feeling thewarmth of the swollen ball-sac through his underwear.She knew that he was rising to the things she was doing to him.She wanted to do even more to his cock and balls, but she wouldhave to get him out of his underpants first. Somehow, she didn'tthink that would be too much of a problem. He would do anythingshe told him to do, and she knew it."Your cock tastes just wonderful, David! It's so big and hard!Did you like the way that felt, David?"Part 7 of 11 THE HORNY LIBRARIANThe boy's face was still contorted in a look of pleasure almostto the brink of pain. She told the boy that he would have to takehis underwear off so that she could feel his balls and suck onthem a bit. The k** scrambled to pull his briefs down the minuteshe asked him to do so. He had a lot of trouble getting them downover the hard-on that stuck out through the fly, but he managed.Laura got on her knees between the k**'s legs and began lickinghis exposed balls. Her tongue moved his balls around in theirtight sac. She sucked his balls into her mouth one at a time,nibbling them gently. She caught the skin of the boy's ball-sacin her teeth and tugged at it gently."Doesn't that feel nice, darling? You have such big fat balls,David. I'll just bet they're all full of hot cum. Would you likeme to suck that cum right out of those swollen balls and let youshoot it into my mouth, darling? Would you like me to suck youoff, little lover?""Oh God, yeah! Please, Mrs. Weber! Please suck me! I gotta shootit, Mrs. Weber! My... my balls are hurtin'! I'm awful horny!""Hold onto your seat, David! I think you'll like this!" shesaid, plunging down on the k**'s rigid fucker.Laura bobbed her pretty head up and down on his cock as fast asshe could, taking the thing down her throat all the way to hisballs on each downward plunge. She knew that it wouldn't be longbefore the horny k** shot his wad and filled her mouth with jism.She could hardly wait to taste the boy's thick hot cum.The boy began bouncing up and down on the stool, forcing hishard prick into her throat with each bounce. She reached betweenhis legs and fondled his balls while she sucked him off. Shecould feel his balls squirming in their sac as she played withthem. With her other hand, she reached up under her dress. Shelet her fingers find their way under the crotch of her damppanties and push into her cunt-gash. She had never felt so hot.She stuck her finger way up inside herself and finger-fucked hercunt. Mrs. Weber was doing things that the boy never thoughtpossible with her lips and tongue and her sucking throat. He hadimagined how a blowjob would feel, but he hadn't imaginedanything like this. He felt his balls suddenly tightening betweenhis straining legs and knew that he would soon feel his cumspurting."My stuff's gonna shoot, Mrs. Weber! I can't help it! I'm gonnashoot it! Jesus ! Suck it! Oh, Mrs. Weber! Suck me! Please don'tstop! It feels so good!"The boy grunted as he blasted his first wad of cum into Mrs.Weber's mouth. Laura kept right on sucking and bobbing up anddown on the boy's prick when she felt it stiffen even more in herthroat. When she felt the first hot spurt of cum against theroof of her mouth, she grabbed his balls and squeezed tightly,heightening his pleasure even more."Jeez, Mrs. Weber! Oh, shit! That feels so fucking good!" theboy moaned as his balls exploded with pleasure again and again.The young man's body shook with each shot of cum that spurtedinto the librarian's sucking mouth. He thought he would neverstop coming in her mouth. He closed his eyes at the height of hispleasure and saw stars. He thought he would keel over from thesheer wild pleasure she was making him feel.Laura tried to drink down all the hot thick cum the k** shotinto her throat, but to no avail. The creamy stuff ran out ofher mouth and dripped down the shaft of his cock, soaking hisyoung balls and dripping onto the stool. She finally had to lethis cock pull from her mouth and take a deep breath. She lookedinto his eyes and smiled wickedly.Part 8 of 11 THE HORNY LIBRARIANLaura stood up and lifted her dress, letting the innocent boyhave a good long look at her barely covered cunt. She knew thatthe boy could see the shadow of her pussy through her lacypanties. She watched his eyes widen."Would you like to feel it, darling? Would you like to touch methere? Would you like to put your hand right up against my warmlittle pussy? Don't be afraid, David. I want you to touch mycunt."David held out his hand, but he couldn't bring himself to dareto touch her there. He had tried to look at girls' cunts before,but they had always stopped him, and sometimes they got reallymad at him and threatened to tell their moms. Did she really wanthim to feel her between the legs? He still couldn't believe suchwild things were really happening to him."Do you really mean it, Mrs. Weber? Can I really touch you...there?"If the boy had any doubts about her intentions, Laura dispelledthem by taking his trembling hand in hers and guiding it betweenher legs. She sighed when she felt the back of his hand againstthe warm furry mound of her cunt. Only the thin material of herwhite panties kept his hand from making contact with her barecunt. She held his hand there for a moment. When she took herhand away, the boy kept his hand between her legs, starting tomove it a bit and explore her secret places."Doesn't it feel warm down there, David? Isn't that a nicecomfy place to put your hand? ""It feels hot, Mrs. Weber," the boy said, feeling the warmth ofher cunt soak into his exploring hand right through her panties."Would you like to have a look at my pussy, David? I thinkyou'll find it prettier than that silly engraving you werejerking off over.""You'd really let me see it?" The boy choked, his hand stillroving over her barely concealed cunt."I'd love to let you see it, David. It would make me so excitedto let you look at my naked pussy. In fact, darling, if I slippedmy panties off and got out of my dress, I might be so hot for youthat I might even let you lick me there. Does that sound likefun?""And how! I get to eat you out? Oh, shit! This is somethingelse, Mrs. Weber! I bet I'm the only k** in town that ever got toeat pussy in the library!""That may very well be, David, but no one else must ever knowabout it. This must remain our little secret, in spite of yournatural inclination to brag about it to the other boys at school.Do you understand, David?" she asked, slipping out of her dress."I... I wouldn't ever tell anybody! Honest, Mrs. Weber. Golly,Mrs. Weber, you're almost naked!"Laura stood before the bug-eyed lad, wearing only her panties,bra and shoes. She eliminated the shoes easily enough. The bradidn't take long, either. She wanted to show the boy her lusciousnaked tits. She unfastened the restraining garment and held thecups to her tits for a moment."Would you like to see my tits, darling boy?" she teased."God yes! Let me see 'em!" the k** rasped. His prick wasalready completely stiff again and standing up against hisstomach."Say please, David," she cooed, letting her bra slip off herbulging tits a little bit."Oh please, Mrs. Weber! Please let me see your tits! I dreamabout tits all the time! I'll do anything if you let me seethem!""If I let you see my naked tits, will you lick and suck them forme?" she asked, letting her bra slip a little more."You'd let me do that? Oh, wow! I'll do it, Mrs. Weber! I'll doanything you tell me to do," David promised, dizzy with youthfullust.Part 9 of 11 THE HORNY LIBRARIANLaura crouched down in front of the boy, maltepe escort who was still sittingon the stool, and gyrated her shoulders a bit. When her big titsstarted to move, her bra fell away, presenting young David with asight he would not soon forget. She lewdly shook her tits in thek**'s face for a moment or two. Then she moved closer to hisface and lifted her naked tits in her hands, pushing them upagainst his cheeks. When his handsome face was buried in hercleavage, she reached down between his legs and started slowlyfondling his responsive young balls.David began kissing and licking the tit flesh that surroundedhis face. He inhaled her feminine fragrance. He licked herresilient tits all over, tracing every curve with his eagertongue. When his tongue reached the goose pimpled flesh of herareolas, he noticed that her nipples were stiff.He kissed the hard little peaks of tit-flesh and noticed thatshe seemed to like it when he touched her there. Soon, the boywas licking and sucking her nipples with a wild passion."Oh, God yes, David! I love your lips on my nipples! You do itso perfectly! Are you sure you haven't sucked a girl's titsbefore?" she moaned, her whole body tingling with raw lust as helicked and sucked her tits."I... I've never done this before, Mrs. Weber, honest. Am Ireally doing it good?""You're doing it beautifully. You do such wonderful things withyour tongue, darling. I want to feel your tongue somewhereelse-where I need it even more.""Gosh, Mrs. Weber, where do you want me to put it? I'll put itanywhere you want it!" the boy rasped, his balls seething intheir sac as she played with them."I'll show you where I want that tongue, David," she said in avoice that dripped with honey.her hand down over her silky stomach and into the golden hairthat covered her pussy. Then she raised one leg, resting her footon the top of the stool on which the boy still sat."Sit on the lower rung of the step stool, David," she commanded.The boy obeyed eagerly."Jesus! It... it's sure pretty, Mrs. Weber. It's even prettierthan I thought it would be!" he said in amazement, staring up atthe luscious looking crevice of the librarian's pussy."I thought you'd like it, darling. Move your face closer to mypussy. That's right, darling. See how wet it looks? I'm so hotthat my cunt is just dripping with lust for you. I have such anunbearable itch between my legs today, David. I think your tonguecould help a bit. See the lips of my cunt, these raggedy-lookinglittle folds of flesh? I'm going to spread them open for you,David. I want you to stiffen your tongue and shove it right up mycunt. Would you do that for me, lover?"David's tongue pushed up into her cunt in a split second aftershe told him what to do. She closed her eyes and abandonedherself to the intense pleasure the boy was bringing her. It hadbeen so many years since she had felt a tongue on the sensitiveinner flesh of her cunt. She felt his tongue moving slowlyinside her hot wet cunt-gash, tickling the inner flesh of herpussy until she shivered with pure delight."Your tongue feels so nice inside me, darling boy. Move it,David. Oh, yes! Yes! Bury your little tongue in my cunt the wayI need it today. Move it! Oh God, yes! Lick it! Lick my fuckinghot cunt, David! I don't care if you are only sixteen. I wantyou!"David's tongue flew wildly up and down the crevice of her pussy.She could feel the boy's nose pressing against her cunt-flesh ashe licked and sucked away at her. She had never felt so wanton.She could do anything now, anything that would satisfy her sexualitch. She worked the muscles of her cunt against the k**'stongue, holding it inside her.Part 10 of 11 THE HORNY LIBRARIAN"Do you feel that, darling? Do you feel how my cunt clutches andholds your tongue when you shove it way up into me?""Yeah! " the boy muttered, his words muffled by her cunt."Just imagine how it would feel if your cock were up inside meinstead of your tongue ! " she breathed."My dick? Up in your cunt?" the boy rasped."Yes, David, your cock up inside my hot fucking cunt! You'vebeen such a good boy and made me feel so nice with your suckingand licking that I've decided to give you a little treat. I'mgoing to let you do what I know you've wanted to do ever since westarted our fun and games. I'm going to let you fuck me right inmy cunt!""Fuck you? Oh golly, Mrs. Weber! You're not k**ding are you?You're really gonna let me?""I insist upon it, darling. I really must have that big hardcock inside me!""I... I've never done anything like that before, Mrs. Weber. Ireally don't know what to do.""I'll teach you everything you need to know, darling boy. I knowyou're a fast learner. The heat in my cunt is proof of that. I'll show you how to use that nice hard-on to have all sorts ofnice nasty fun."Laura removed the boy's shirt and told him to take off hisshoes. Her hands were all over the boy's young chest andshoulders and she was thrilling to the feel of his warm muscularbody."You have such nice hard muscles for a boy your age, David," shebreathed into the k**'s ear."Do I, Mrs. Weber?" he asked, a sparkle of boyish pride in hiseyes."Oh yes, darling. And it will take all of those nice youngmuscles to fuck me properly. Of course, the muscle you need themost is especially well developed." She giggled, reaching downand grabbing his stiff prick.Laura told the boy to spread his clothes and hers out over thecold marble floor of the old library. Then she lay on her backand raised her legs, resting her feet on the floor and partingher long honey-tanned legs. She knew that the pussy she offeredthe boy was too tempting to resist. He would try to fuck that hotand inviting cunt with all his strength and eagerness, eventhough he didn't have the first idea of how to fuck. She openedher arms and invited the boy take what he was staring at sointently. David stood there staring for a moment longer, hisdripping prick sticking up in front of his lean naked body.Then, without warning, the k** fell on the lusty librarian. Hestarted bucking his hard ass and driving his long fuckeraimlessly against her body. She eventually had to reach betweenthe boy's striving legs and take his jerking prick in her lovinghand. She helped the k** position the hard fucker between thelips of her hungry cunt. She held her breath for a moment,preparing herself for the wild fucking she had been longing forthese many years.When Laura felt the k**'s cock-head push between the tight lipsof her cunt, she cried out in pure delight. She cried out soloudly that the boy thought he had hurt her."Don't worry, David. I'm all right. It just feels so good! Yourcock is so hot and thick! Shove it in me! Hurry! I can't wait!Fuck meeeee!"Part 11 of 11 THE HORNY LIBRARIANDavid felt the incredible heat of her cunt as her flesh engulfedhis aching prick. He thrust hard, burying his prick in her allthe way to his cum-filled balls in one mighty fuck stroke. Shecried out again as if he had hurt her, but this time he just keptthrusting. His cock snapped up inside her, stiffening even moreinside her sucking cunt. His prick swelled to incredibleproportions inside her, squeezed and stroked as it was by themuscles of her greedy cunt. He began banging in and out of her,fucking her faster and faster by the second. Her cries andwhimpers of pleasure became louder."Oh! How lovely! I love your prick! This is just perfect, David!Give it to me! Fuck me! Oh God, yes! Fuck me hard! Fuck me deep!I want it! Fuck meeeeee!"The boy was lying on her now, his chest crushing up against hernaked tits. She could feel the boy's heart beating wildly in hischest. She began fucking her cunt up onto his prick, raising herass off the floor to meet his every hard and deep cockthrust. Shegyrated her pelvis too, grinding her hot wet pussy against hisgroin. She could feel his young balls slapping against her steamycrotch."Mrs. Weber, I... I think I'm gonna... I'm gonna... do it," theboy rasped, his cock suddenly jerking up against the walls of herhot cunt."Are you about to shoot your cum, darling?" she saidbreathlessly."Yes, Mrs. Weber! I'm gonna shoot off! Oh, shit yeah! I'm gonnashoot! My balls! Oh, fuckin' shit! I'm comin', Mrs. Weber I'mcommiinngggg!"Young David felt his balls suddenly get tight in their sac. Hethought his balls were about to explode, so intense was thefeeling of pleasure between his legs. When his orgasm rippedthrough his youthful body like a tornado, he closed his eyestightly.Blast after hot blast of thick hot cum shot through the stiffpipe of his prick and into the librarians's cunt. Each shot ofcum into her cunt was accompanied by spasms that made the boyfeel like his balls had been struck by lightning. He wrapped hisarms around her and held on for dear life."Fuck me! Come in my cunt, David! Come in my hot fucking cunt!I'm going to come too, lover! Oh God, yes! Yes! We're coming offat the same fucking time! Yesssss!" she hissed.Flash after flash of delight went through Laura's luscious body.She experienced an orgasm more intense by far than anything shehad experienced in years. She abandoned herself to her pleasure,feeling wave after wave of sensation rush over her like a tide ofdelight."Oh, David, darling boy! How lovely! How perfect" she whimperedas they lay together in the nest they had made of their abandonedclothes."You screwed me so perfectly, darling. I can't tell you howmuch I enjoyed it. I haven't been fucked so well in years!""Can we do it again, Mrs. Weber? I can get it hard again inabout five minutes," the k** said, his prick still buried in thewoman's clutching cunt."I'd love nothing better, darling. But it's getting late. Youmust realize that your mother will be concerned about you. Wecan't just lie here and fuck all night. I think you and I hadbetter get dressed and try to forget about what happened tonight,if we can. ""Gosh, Mrs. Weber, I don't ever want to forget about today!You're the most beautiful woman in the world, Mrs. Weber, andthis is the greatest thing that ever happened to me!"Laura kissed the boy on his cock when it pulled out of her cunt.She got dressed and helped him get back into his clothes. Shegave him another kiss on the cheek, then he walked out of thelibrary and ran happily down the street.She didn't know whether or not she would ever again let herselfgo the way she had tonight, but she had the feeling that she justmight, under the right circumstances. Sex with teenage boys wastoo much fun for her to rule it out in her future.THE END
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