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Gram Connie

Post #1

Gram ConnieEvery time I thought about my Aunt Pat for the next couple of day's my Dick wouldget hard instantly. I wanted to call and ask her if I could meet her somewhere, but Iwas afraid. Perhaps she would come into the store this weekend.My maternal Grandmother Connie owns a small specialty supermarket opened byher immigrant father in 1927. My grandmother was born in 1938 and married mygrandfather in 1954 at the age of 16. My grandfather also worked in the store and in1960 the store was passed on to them when her Dad retired. My mother, her sistersand all their c***dren worked in that store while they were young, usually until theyfinished college. Gram believes in hard work and was determined each of herc***dren and grandc***dren work learn a good work ethic. My Gram Connie is theboss of the family. No one crosses her and we all do exactly as she tells us. One ofthe reasons is the money. My mother and Aunt's still get not only a weeklypaycheck out of the store but just about anything else they want. No one knows howwealthy Grams is but we do know the real estate she owns is worth about 5 million.Gram has two sides to her. She is well loved by all the rich customers she servesbecause of her playful and cheery personality. But, she is plain spoken and hard asnails with the family. She never misses anything, even when you think she isn'tlooking or listening. If you thought you got away with something you were justfooling yourself. She had managed the store alone since my Grandfather died in1993.I was always her favorite. When I was younger I spent at least one night a week ather house. Gram is in very good shape for a woman of 63 even though she isslightly overweight at about 175 pounds on a 5'4" frame. About 25 pounds of thatweight is in her breasts. They are huge. All I ever remember seeing her weararound the store is a spotless white cotton dress kind of like a uniform which is soheavily starched it would probably stand up in a corner by itself. Gram keeps 4 or 5in the office at all times because if she spills something on one or gets the least bitdirty she changes into a clean one.When I got to the store on Friday Gram was just about to change dresses because acustomer had broken a bottle of catsup and she had gotten a big spot on her dresswhen she cleaned it up. She told me to come into the office with her. Grams officealso served as sort of a combination office and efficiency apartment with a sittingarea, kitchen, bedroom and full bath. She had these put in after my Grandfatherdied so when she worked late she didn't have to make the trip home. As I stoodlistening to my Grams instructions for the day, she unbuttoned her dress and pulledit off. As I watched her, I thought about what Aunt Pat told me about hearing Gramhaving multiple orgasm's during sex with my Grandfather. Grams examined her slipand found a ketchup spot on so she pulled it over her head and stood there in frontof me in her panties, bra and panty hose. Grams was not the least bit shy and afterall I was family.I looked at the heavy white bra. It had 1 inch shoulder straps, I guess they wereneeded to hold up those breasts. Her panties were white but her panty hose werekind of a neutral color Even through the two layers of fabric I could see her blackpubic hair on the very pronounced mound between her legs. For a woman of herage and weight she had a very flat stomach. Her breasts strained against the cottonbra and popped out at the top to create and enormous amount of cleavage. Whenshe turned around to get a fresh slip and dress from the closet, I noticed the pantieswere not only cut high to expose the sides of her thighs, but had a seam in thecenter of the back panel which accented both butt cheeks. I was amazed that herbutt appeared so firm and full with not a hint of sag. I noticed her legs were verystout but muscular shaped with big thighs and calves. I wondered how it would be tohave sex with her. My mind wandered back to Aunt Pat and my Dick started to gethard. I quickly held my apron in front of me to hide any trace of the hard on visiblethrough my pants.Gram continued talking as she dressed and when she finished she sat down at thetable. She motioned for me to come closer. When I approached her she reached outwith her left hand and grabbed the apron out of my hand, she then thumped meright on the head of my Dick with her right middle finger. She proceeded pendik escort to eat myass out for looking at her the way I had and for getting aroused in her presence. Shedemanded to know what caused the change in me between a couple of weeks agowhen she changed in front of me and today. I had no answer. I apologized andbegged forgiveness and kissed her lightly on the cheek. She told me to go to workand behave myself.Later that afternoon Aunt Pat came in. I was sweeping up in the stock room. Whenshe came through the swinging doors and I saw her in that tight skirt with the slit upto mid thigh I got an instant hard on. She smiled that wicked little smile and I justabout died. She came up to me and stood very close with her legs spread to thepoint her skirt was almost splitting the seams. I wanted to reach out and touch her,but I didn't dare. She was telling me she would see me on Wednesday night atabout 6:30 when Grams came through the door. Both Aunt Pat and I reacted aspeople who got caught. Aunt Pat took a step back from me and closed her legs. Iturned about 10 shades of red on my way to purple. Grams kissed Aunt Pat on thecheek and told me to take the trash by the back door out to the dumpster. As Iwalked away I heard Grams begin speaking Italian to Aunt Pat. This was her way ofconversing in private around the grandc***dren. When you heard grams and herdaughters speaking Italian you knew it was something they didn't want anyone elseto know.At closing time that night Grams gave me the keys and told me to lock up and meether in the office. When I entered the office Grams had taken her panty hose off andwas sitting in a kitchen chair with her feet soaking in a tub of water. Her dress waspulled up over her knees and her knees were cocked open with her dress hangingdown between them. She asked me to get us each a glass of wine and join her.When I returned with the tumblers of wine she asked if there was anything I neededto discuss with her. I said no, but she persisted. She asked point blank if I was doinganything I shouldn't be doing with my Aunt Pat. I tried to talk my way around it, butI don't think she bought it. She told me that it was wrong to have those kinds ofthoughts about your relatives. Then she said something I would never believe shesaid if I hadn't heard it with my own ears. She said a young man my age shouldalways use a condom when he has sex with any woman but his wife unless thewoman is 50 years old or older. She then asked if I understood her. I was stunned.All I could do was answer yes. Grams complained about her feet and knees hurtingand asked if I would open the store in the morning so she could sleep late. She toldme she was sleeping here tonight and for me to come and wake her up no later than8am. I found this unusual because Grams never slept past 6am and she had neverasked me to wake her.The store didn't open until 9am, but I had to let the employees in at 7:30. When Iarrived at the store I made coffee, fixed a cup for Grams and myself and went tothe office at exactly 7:58. I entered the office and placed the coffee on the nightstand by the bed. Grams was sleeping on her right side with the covers pulled tightlyunder her chin. I ran my hand slowly and softly down Grams cheek and told her itwas 7:30. She opened her eyes and smiled at me. She sat up in bed and I handedher the coffee. I asked how she was feeling and she said her knees had hurt allnight.I stood there looking down at Grams sitting in the bed and could not believe what Iwas seeing. Her breasts were so large that even though they hung down to almostto her lap, they also protruded straight out away from her body about 6 inches.Through the thin white fabric of her gown, I could clearly see the dark almostchocolate colored spots on the end and nipples about an inch long. The nipples wereso long and hard they strained against the fabric. My Dick became hard instantly.Grams threw the covers back and swung around to sit on the side of the bed. As sheswung her legs they opened widely giving me a perfect view of her hairy pussythrough the thin white panties she wore. She rubbed her knees and complainedagain about how much they hurt. I asked if it would help if I rubbed them and shesaid it might. She told me go give my keys to Wanda the head cashier and tell herwe to open the store because we would be in the office for kağıthane escort a while working on thebooks. She got up and started to the bathroom. I went to the door and carefullyrepositioned my Dick in my pants so none of the employees would see my hard onas I walked through the store.When I returned to the office, Grams was coming out of the bathroom. She was stillwearing only her gown and panties. Her house coat was still laying on the back of achair. I watched the way her breasts swayed with every step she took. She certainlydidn't walk as though her knees hurt.Grams sat down on the edge of the bed, pulled her gown up to the middle of herthighs and tucked the gown between her legs. I began to rub her right knee withboth hands, trying hard not to look at her breasts. She instructed me to go higherjust above her knees. I began to rub and squeeze from her mid thigh to the tops ofher knees. I was amazed at how firm her legs were and how silky smooth her legswere.In a few minutes Gram told me this wasn't working. She said to let her lay down onthe bed. She lay back on the bed and again very carefully put her gown between herlegs. I tried kneeling down by the bed, but this wasn't working. Grams didn't think Iwas applying the same pressure to both legs. She instructed me to get on the bedand straddle her waist facing her knees. She said this would be more comfortablefor both of us and allow consistent pressure. She moved over into the center of thebed and spread her legs. This time she was not nearly as concerned about tuckingher gown between her legs and didn't bother to pull her gown down after it rode upon her legs when she moved over. . I took off my shoes and got onto the bed andstraddled her as instructed. When I looked down my eyes were instinctively drawnto her pubic area instead of her knees. My Dick began to stir in my pants. I wastrying to straddle her but keep my weight off her. As I continued to rub her legs thisproved impossible. Slowly without even noticing, I eased myself down onto her. Mylower legs were parallel to her rib cage and my feet were touching the sides of eachbreast, both of which had slid sideways off her chest. As I slowly massaged andrubbed her lower thigh, I began to bend over at my waist. I finally got low enoughto be able to look up and see her panties. Grams had so much thick jet black pubichair that it was sticking out of the elastic in the leg openings of her panties.My Dick was rock hard. The way I was straddling her with my weight on herstomach and bent over at the waist she had to feel my hard Dick pressing againsther. I very slowly and carefully allowed my hands to go higher on her thigh. Eachtime I went from one leg to the other I started a little higher until I was massagingwithin 1 inch of her crouch. I asked Grams if it was helping and she answered in avery weak voice that it felt wonderful. I noticed a wet spot beginning to form on thecrouch of her panties. I began to smell the unmistakable smell of a sexually arousedwoman.I looked back over my shoulder at Grams. She had her eyes closed and her facewas very red. It was obvious she was holding her breath, probably to keep me fromhearing her come. I couldn't believe it, she was getting her rocks off while hergrandson massaged her. She positioned me in such a way that she could feel me butat the same time I could not feel her. I was so aroused I began to move my hipsvery slowly on her stomach to both get a little friction on my Dick and give her abetter feel of it pressing into her. I slowly moved down so my Dick was positioneddirectly over the protruding mount of pubic hair.The smell and the wet spot on her panties both became more pronounced. Iwrapped both my hands on her left thigh and moved them up as close to her pussyas possible without actually touching it. I began to squeeze her thigh with bothhands in rhythm and moved the little finger on my right hand so it came in contactwith the wet spot on her panties. I slowly applied pressure to the outer lips of herpussy. In less than 10 seconds Grams jerked slightly2 times then ever so slightlyarched her hips upward and held that position as I glanced over my shoulder andsaw her face contorted in the obvious pleasure of orgasm. She placed her hands onthe small of my back and squeezed tightly as if to keep me from moving maltepe escort or stoppingmy actions. In a few moments Grams relaxed. It was as if every muscle in her bodywas at a complete state of ease and satisfaction.I continued to massage her left leg as if I hadn't noticed anything. In a moment,Grams asked if I would mind massaging her lower back. I said I would be happy to.I got up and she rolled over on her stomach and pulled her gown up into the middleof her back. She spread her legs very wide and told me her back hurt where itjoined her butt and all the way down the left side of her butt to the inside of herthigh. She was telling me where she wanted to be touched. I got between her legsand began the massage starting at the elastic waistband of her panties. After a fewmoments Grams told me to open the drawer on the night stand and get the handand body lotion. As I reached over her to get into the night stand I pressed my hardDick into onto the back of her leg.Grams told me to remove her panties so the lotion didn't ruin them and raised herhips to allow me to do so. As I pulled the panties off I was treated to the sight of herswollen outer lips which were slightly parted. I saw that the pubic hair directlyaround her pussy was wet and slightly matted. When she laid back down her buttwas almost perfectly formed. Large but well proportioned to the rest of her body. Idid exactly as I was told. I started at the small of her back and worked my waydown to her butt. I massaged both cheeks and was amazed at the firmness andblemish free softness of her skin. I paid special attention to the area where her buttjoined the back of her legs. I would cup the bottom of her butt in the palm of myhand and follow the curvature up the outside edges of her butt and then bring bothhands together at the top of her butt and bring both my thumbs together in thecrack of her ass and go back down while the palms of my hands fanned out over herbutt cheeks. Each time I did this Grams would raise her hips ever so slightly andeach time I would go a little lower allowing my thumbs to get a little closer to herpussy lips. Grams had her face turned to the left and her eyes closed so hard thewhole upper part of her face was almost solid wrinkles. As I continued to watch herface, I pushed both of my thumbs directly down to contact the lips of her pussy. Shewas so wet both my thumbs slid into her with no resistance. She raised her hips upoff the bed to allow me greater access and buried her face into the pillow. I heardmuffled moans and grunting coming from the pillow.I guess the orgasm was so intense she abandoned all pretense in what we weredoing. She raised her hips higher and began to move them in rhythm with mythumb. She had raised her knees up to support herself and this gave me greateraccess to her pussy. I removed my right hand from her body, unzipped my pantsand pulled my Dick out of my pants. Without removing my left thumb from herpussy, I guided my Dick down the side of my hand and replaced my left thumb inher pussy with my Dick. I thrust to insert the full length into her before she couldresist. She came instantly. There were muffled screams from the pillow. Her hipsbanged against mine as she rocked back and forth on her knees. Each time shecame her body convulsed then relaxed for a moment before the beginning ofanother orgasm.I continued to pound her smooth butt as I alternately squeezed the cheeks of herbutt or held onto the sides of her thighs. I began to come and put one leg up overher hip in an effort to get deeper into her. She came in waves when I did this. Icame for what seemed like hours.I fell onto the bed totally exhausted. Grams didn't say a word for about 10 minutes.It took her that long to get her breathing back to normal. Finally she asked if I knewwhat had just happened was wrong. I said maybe it was and maybe it wasn't. Iasked her if she and I were on a marooned on a desert island with a woman whohad a social disease would she prefer me to have sex with the woman and contactthe social disease or would she provide the needed sexual relief and be assured Iremained disease free. She said that was a pretty good point. She asked me if Icould handle what had just happened. Without telling her I'd heard that before Iassured her I could.She then said something I could not believe. She told me that I needed to stayaway from my Aunt Pat. Without explaining she said since Pat was a little girl shecould not keep a secret if confronted about something. I got the drift real quick.Grams then told me to get up and go to work.That night she cooked dinner for us and called Mom to tell her we were going towork late and I wouldn't be home until early morning.
11-26-2021, at 05:50 PM

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