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My diary chapter 1
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My diary chapter 1Holly has been my friend since high school she stands about 5ft6 and she is an average body type with black hair, And I am 5ft3 with tattoos on my right arm and my chest with blonde hair. You see holly had a fetish about what it is like to sleep with another woman well today her fetish came true, I got over to the gym early today so I can take a shower and be on time for work But holly was in the locker room smoking. I got in the locker room and got ready to take a shower I grabbed the closest shower stall as I proceeded with my shower, Holly got in the shower next to me but little did I know holly got in my shower stall I could not help but look at her cute little ass. I seen her looking at my tit?s as she turns off the shower I knew something bakırköy escort sensual was about to happen, I never had girl on girl sex before and I have always wondered what it was like to have my pussy licked by another woman. I tried to get out of the shower stall but holly blocked the door then she grabbed me by my chin and started to kiss my lips so roughly and she laid me down, Holly gets her fingers wet and shoves them right into my pussy I jolted and jumped with loads of pleasure and she Tell's me ?don?t fight it just go with it?as she licks my carnation pink pussy lips and dips a dry polished finger into my well of desire, I feel the hot sparks of pleasure all over my body as I cupped my firm tits and played with beşiktaş escort my hard nipples Holly said ?you?re pussy tastes good? as holly put her head in between my legs for another round of licking my pussy like there was no tomorrow. My pussy juices flowed like crazy I must have came at least 4 times in her mouth before i screamed out ?HARDER? As i was on the verge of cumming a 5th time but holly pulls her head out from between my legs before I could cum and puts her big toe in my mouth I mouth the toe like a cock, Holly gently puts her big toe around my clit and she started playing with it getting me even more wetter than what I was. I whimpered out ?oh don?t stop holly? but holly smiled and puts it in my pussy and she beylikdüzü escort demands I fuck her toe I loved it so much i humped it the fast I could. Holly quickly took her toe out of my pussy and she said ?that?s enough? in a very seductive voice she raised me up to lay on her shoulder as we made out for a little bit I thought this moment would last forever, After we got done we walked out of the shower to the lockers I looked at holly bent over with her cute little ass in the air putting on her very cute white brief panties. I grabbed a pair of my panties and holly grabs my hands and pushes them away and she put my panties on me and Holly used her own fingers to push aside the french lace of my panties revealing a sumptuous feast for the eyes. She stated ?i am proud of this delicious pussy? I blushed and gave her a kiss on her lips literally thanking holly for fucking me I told her here is my number I'd love to do it again sometime. We both got dressed and went on about our day me and holly still have occasional hookups to this day.
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